Waterlife Algizin P 1 Litre
Algizin P works fast to destroy blanketweed - results can usually be seen within 1 week!
Waterlife's popular Algizin P product is a true algicide (as opposed to an inhibitor), and as such it is registered with the HSE.
Algizin P is blanketweed specific, it will not harm oxygenating plants, lillies, marginals or other aquatic plants.
Algizin P is also safe with fish and filtration
Repeat use during the growing season every 4 to 6 weeks or when re-growth occurs.
1 Litre treats up to 72000 litres
Algizin P Kills Blanketweed
• Rapidly resolves blanket weed problems in garden ponds.
• HSE registered algicide. No. 8052.
• Safe with fish, plants & filtration bacteria.